Friday, February 18, 2005

kent's bent on lent

the season of lent has begun and i failed to plan ahead. i didn't begin the observance of this time by giving up anything, and now i find myself asking, "what have i already, by chance, given up for the last couple weeks?" perhaps this approach misses the heart of lent, but do i get any credit for the desire to observe this religious "holiday" of sorts? i'm considering giving up work. so just in case i decide on that one, i went ahead and quit my job at interstate batteries today. ok, so that's not really the whole story, but today was indeed my last day of work. tomorrow i leave for good ol' abilene! i'm going to sing song and lectureship before heading to guatemala. i'm praying that my time in both of these places will be a great opportunity for spiritual growth. throughout history, God has met with His people in the desert. the desert is God's country. like a desert, guatemala has the potential for being a solitary, trying place with hot weather. it's going to be interesting to see how it all turns out.
how about all of you out there in blog-land? anybody participating in lent? what are you giving up? and perhaps more interestingly, WHY are you giving it up? inquiring minds want to know.
for the next three months i plan on posting updates here regarding progress with spanish and guatemalan life in general. so stay tuned for all the latest on, well, my life. and don't forget to tell me about your lent sacrifices. i'm looking for ideas.


Blogger Niki said...

I gave up lent for Lent! :)

Have you ever felt like you need all of your vices for the moment? Maybe it's that I don't really understand Lent and what it's all about. I'll have to read up on it. Last year I gave up pop for a month, and TV for another month, but I go on mini fasts from stuff like that alot to regain my focus, or just to prove that I still have selfcontrol.

I will be looking forward to reading about your adventures, and your spiritual growth. As for the desert...can youth ministry be considered the desert? Some days it has felt like it. Or maybe I'm mistaking it for Egypt. I find striking parallels with both.

Our prayers and love go with you Kent! Be bold! Be strong!

2/19/2005 3:59 PM  
Blogger Brown Sugar said...

yo kent..i'm not going to go into detail about what i'm giving up..(or more like substituting)...i'm replacing a negative thing with a positive better option....does that count? anyway, i hope you greatly used in guatemala. it would be cool if you came to dallas again some time.

2/21/2005 2:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Im not sure the first century practiced Lent...
no- i just forgot about it and have never really taken part in the season. Kind of feel left out. Maybe I'll just start right now and give something up.
If it means anything- I have given up Holly for the last two weeks- Not a religious observance, just the crappy side of being a traveling singer/songwriter. Cant wait to be home on the 2nd. Hope you are having a blast at Abilene- i will be there Thursday- will you still be around? Love you bud- TJ

2/22/2005 12:25 AM  
Blogger Brock Paulk said...

Well...this was my first year to try Lent observance. I've been very devoted to my decision as long as it was convenient (ain't that just like a Protestant?!?!?)

I gave up deserts...I've messed it up two times though - once when I was driving LATE at night and needed something to keep me awake, and once because it was Valentine's Day and my fiancee' wanted ice cream. Good reasons, both. Still, the other times when I've really wanted desert, it's been a good excercise to rememeber why I can't...

2/24/2005 3:56 PM  

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